Essential . Efficient . Evolving

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With AllNote, you can keep track of wonderful things anywhere anytime.

Keep Your Ideas Anytime Anywhere
Add notes, set reminders, take shots/videos to note down your thoughts real time. Retrieve location and save phone number to dial later. Share notes anywhere.

Group your notes
Label your notes with different color, tags, and category, so notes with the same color, tag or category appear together.

Smart Search
You can do Quick Search or go to Smart Search to do multi-condition search and manage it afterwards.

Apply to life

  • Save your location when it’s somewhere you don’t know, so you can pay a visit next time.
  • In a nice eatery/restaurant, you can take pics of dishes and menu, type phone no. or get location and save them to a single note to share to others, make a reservation etc.

Key Features

  • Provide a rich text editor. To edit a note, you can

  • -change font, size, color, BG color and style
    -set as bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, superscript, subscript
    -insert an emoticon, date, time, link, divider and page
    -insert a numbered list or bullet list
    -set as Indent, outdent, align Left/center/right
    -insert or configure a table, add a row or column and modify their properties
    -use undo, redo to restore record at any time
  • You can create a note with the following different kinds of component or add it to the note.

  • -Create text components
    -Create one-time and recurring reminders. The later can be set to recur every day, week or month
    -Use camera to take pics and annotate what’s on your mind
    -Use camera to take videos and annotate your feelings
    -Through Voice Recording, capture your thoughts at the moment, create a voice component and add annotations
    -Through Voice Input, create text components
    -Select a pic, video or voice recording scattering in the multimedia on your phone to create a component
    -Through a Location component, the current location is retrieved automatically. You can move and reset the anchor freely, search any locations and nearby ones. Furthermore, you can plan a tour itinerary and initiate Google Map to navigate to next destination
    -Create a phone component, so you may click on the number to make a call
    -Create an Email component then click on it to share the note to the recipient
  • Provide you with a flexible tool to

  • -share the content of your note to other Apps
    -send it to Email
    -send it to SMS
    -export it as PDF
    -select Single-Row Slide Bar or Fixed Menubar when editing
    -manage icons to show on Editing Menubar
  • Move Mode enables you to drag any component and drop it to a proper place.
  • With a share tool, you can share pics, videos, audio files, links and texts from any Apps to an existing/new note in AllNote for collection or editing.
  • With a note-managing tool, you can do the following with selected notes.

  • -Deleted them
    -Add tags to them without affecting the existing ones in the notes
    -Remove tags from them,
    -Configure category, tags and/or color for them
  • New categories and tags can be created.
  • Edit Home Filter in Settings to filter the notes you'd like to display on Home. Filtering conditions can be set according to keywords, categories, tags, colors, component types and/or modified time. You can also edit sort order by time, title, category, tag or color.

The following advanced features are exclusive for AllNote Pro

  • Import exported data to restore notes created before.
  • Export a note as a PDF file.
  • Move Mode enables you to drag any component and drop it to a proper place.
  • Manage icons to show on Editing Menubar.
  • Delete categories and tags you created.
  • Smart Search enables you to set multi-conditions and manage your search entries, which are reusable.
  • Search conditions can be set according to keywords, categories, tags, colors, component types and/or modified time.
  • Sort order can be set according to time, title, category, tag, and color. When doing a Smart Search, you can set as Sort Ascending or Descending.
  • Sort order of categories, tags, or colors can be configured.